Book at Alcaufar Vell

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The nature that surrounds us


The Estate

The estate of Alcaufar Vell is the perfect spot for discovering the wonderful natural and scenic setting that Menorca offers. As if it was a natural reserve itself, the estate measures 250 hectares with paths and different routes to stroll along, go running or simply wander around for a while.

Cala Alcaufar

Very close to the hotel and almost like an extension of our estate, you will find Cala Alcaufar. It can be reached on foot or by car and even public transport. It is a peaceful beach with white sand and a fishermen’s hut that our great-great-grandfather, Joan de Mercadal, had built. The entry of the sea is sheltered from the predominant wind, the Tramuntana, and all along the cove, there are small launch jetties for small boats. One of the curiosities is that as we swim out towards the open sea, we come across brusque changes of temperature due to the presence of a seam of freshwater; colder water than the seawater and therefore more refreshing in summer.

Distance: 1.7 km (there and back)
Surface: earth
Difficulty: low

Running route

For those who like to go running, Alcaufar Vell has a very attractive circuit of 7.4 km (there and back) that is inside the estate itself. It is a very pleasant route in a privileged setting you will discover along the way; a diverse and typically Menorcan landscape according to the time of year you have chosen to enjoy some days in our hotel.

Distance: 7.4 km (there and back)
Surface: earth
Difficulty: low

The Art of Living route

At Alcaufar Vell we have a route designed to enjoy the authentic Art of Living. A circular route without leaving our estate will enable you to experience first-hand the feeling of Menorca as Biosphere Reserve and which is full of treasures in the open air to stop at and investigate. From orchids in spring, birds from April to May, capers in June, aromas of Mediterranean woods in summer and wild mushrooms in autumn, the path gifts us with Mediterranean fauna and flora in all the senses. You simply must take your camera and a basket for picking mushrooms. We can make you a fantastic picnic!

Distance: 5.3 km (circular)
Surface: unpaved road (si us plau, substituir a totes les entrades de la versió anglesa on diu earth per -unpaved road-)
Difficulty: low

Geological route

The area of Alcaufar provides us with many surprises in the geological sphere such as mosaics of coastal arches and caves. The best way of seeing them would be from the sea but the route along the coast will enable you to see curiosities on the cliffs. From the hotel we will provide you with a map to discover from the Punta des Falcons in the Cave of Na Bòtil, the islet of La Vuelta or the Cave des Coloms below the Torre de Alcaufar. Are you ready for a geological route?

Distance: 5 km (there and back)
Surface: earth
Difficulty: low

Camí de Cavalls

Most of you have probably heard of the Camí de Cavalls, a circular route that goes all around Menorca alongside the coast and originates in a historic path that King Jaume II established in the 14th century. In Alcaufar Vell we have one of the sections that run between Punta Prima and Cala de San Esteban very close by, a section of 7.3 kilometres, easy to cover and with an approximate time of two and a half hours. We recommend going as far as the Caló d'en Rafalet, a secret and exquisite cove at the end of a ravine of leafy holm oaks.

Distance: 7.3 km (circular route)
Surface: earth
Difficulty: medium

Caló Roig

It is one of the jewels in the form of a small cove we have close to Alcaufar Vell and which you can reach through our estate with the map we give you. Es Caló Roig is one of these romantic coves of fine sand and turquoise waters found on the route of the Camí de Cavalls, well worth the visit in order to show that you have really been in paradise.

Distance: 6 km (there and back)
Surface: earth
Difficulty: low

Torre de Alcaufar

It is one of the most photographed towers in Menorca that stands majestically alongside Caló Roig and with privileged views to the island of Aire. It was built in 1787 along with another “twin”, the Torre de Son Ganxo. Both serve as the model for the construction of this type of tower of frustoconical form, called “Martello", on the coast of Menorca. The Torre de Son Ganxo is just 2.9 kilometres from the Torre de Alcaufar. By the way, in 1985 it was declared a historical monument.

Distance: 6.4 km (there and back)
Surface: earth
Difficulty: low

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Carretera de Cala Alcaufar, km 8
07710 Sant Lluís – Menorca
Menorca - Balearic Islands

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